Animals, living in herds, feel earthquakes. An experiment displayed this clearly. It was really obvious, that animals with a transmitter fixed on them, moved restlessly and worried, and than an earthquake happend. Up to 20 hours before they had discovered a noticable change of the behavior.
„How an animal-based Earthquake-Early-Warning-System could look like, shows a system, that interprets in real time dates messured since December 2019. This alarmsystem starts a danger signal, as soon as the sensors are recording an obviously higher activity of the animals. Once this system already raised the alarm: It took three hours and then the earth quaked.“, is written in the magazine „Max Planck Forschung 03/20, with the article „TIERE MIT SECHSTEM SINN“, *2
Source: Der sechste Sinn der Tiere: Ein Frühwarnsystem für Erdbeben? von Prof. Dr. Martin Wikelski auf der webseite der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft vom 3. Juli 2020
Animals are an alarm annunciator before earthquakes. It is proofed by scientists, that once animals already started a technical alarmsystem and this alarm was correct. But even without any technic someone, who is watching the animals, can realize it, in case they behave strange. They get nervous, all of them look towards one direction, they try to escape and try to find a safer place. When riding or leading a horse by the reins, it looks as if it is spooky. But if you watch exactly you realize, that it is always a special place on the ground the horse tries to avoid, where the horse is „spooky“ and jumps away. The ground makes the horse spooky. Some horses feel it better, feel it more than others. Even in a science-report*1) it is mentioned, that they chose those animals, which where known to have attracted attention through their behavior when an earthquake happend.
by Andrea Akhigbe / Reiterkurier